Wheelchair Lift Equipment Failure Policy

All North Township Dial-A-Ride vehicles are equipped with a standard wheelchair lift. The lift is used to move wheelchair riders on and off the vehicles. The lift is also used by riders whom are physical challenged and are aided by other mobility devices such as walkers or canes and find it too difficult to use the vehicles’ stairs to board. It is essential that all lifts are kept operational. All lifts receive a four-week preventive maintenance check, along with a three-month and one-year check. It is imperative that all drivers complete a daily pre-trip and post-trip lift inspection. Any lift equipment failure will necessitate that the vehicle is taken out of service immediately until the equipment is repaired.

There is the possibility that a lift could become inoperable while the driver is running his daily route. These guidelines are to insure that the riders are not caused any undo stress or harm and that their ride to their destination is completed with utmost respect and dignity. Every effort will be made to complete their ride on a timely basis, with only a limited delay.

The following procedure is to be followed in the event of a wheelchair lift equipment failure:

  1. The office is to be notified immediately of said failure. 
  2. If the lift becomes inoperative during a pre-trip inspection, the driver will be assigned to another working vehicle. The Township maintenance service will be notified immediately of the problem so repair time will be minimal. 
  3. If the lift becomes inoperative while boarding a rider, the driver will use the hand pump to safely board the rider. If the hand pump equipment is not an option, either a spare bus will be brought to the location so that the driver can continue the route; or another bus will be rerouted for the pick-up. 
  4. If the lift becomes inoperative while trying to de-board a rider, the driver will use the hand pump to unfold and lower the lift. If the hand pump equipment is not an option, the local fire department will be notified and will arrive to manually assist the de-boarding of the rider. 
  5. If the lift is found to be inoperable during a post-trip inspection, the driver must notify the office immediately. Maintenance personnel will be contacted. In the event the inoperable vehicle is not repaired before the start of the next business day, the driver will be assigned to another working vehicle. 

Under no circumstance is the driver to put the rider or himself/herself at risk of harm.

Download policy statement in PDF format.