- Food
- Shelter
- Utility service
- Clothing
- Burial / cremation
The Township has 72 hours to make a decision on an applicant's case. The applicant will receive a decision in writing. If an applicant disagrees with the action taken, he/she has the right to appeal with the Board of Commissioners.
Office Hours:
Hammond Office
5947 Hohman Avenue
Hammond, IN 46320
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday
Please call (219) 932-2530, extension 302, to make an appointment.
East Chicago Office
2105 Broadway
East Chicago, IN 46312
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday
Please call (219) 398-2435 to make an appointment.
Please note: Emergency cases will be seen without an appointment.